Motivational Speaking
My Autistic Wings
Autistic Autism Advocacy

1-2-1 Role Modelling and Consultancy

What I offer,
at a glance...
* Tailored and
Bespoke speeches and
121 Workshops for Autistic People.
* Choose from an extensive list of speech topics,
small activities and themes to empower acceptance of
Autism, how YOU want - as interactive, or quiet,
as YOU need.
* Choose from multiple, regular sessions, or a one
off, with as small a group, as you need.
* Can be delivered online, with no 'activities' - an opportunity
to meet, talk, listen, answer questions, share stories and
guidance, role modelling healthy mindsets & acceptance.
* Travel to anywhere in the UK* with accessible fees
* Free, signed AspergerWorld Book,
with 2024 speech or
workshop booking
Exclusive to 'My Autistic Wings' Autism advocacy, Joely is offering NEW autism ‘role modelling’ consultations, especially tailored for you.
* Have you just been diagnosed as autistic or on the autistic spectrum?
* Do you know someone who is or might be on the autistic spectrum?
* Do you want to challenge your misconceptions of yourself & other people, in a empowering & shame free environment?
* Have you been taught you need to change who you are, & struggle to be & empower yourself?
Look no further.
Joely’s been through it all, & got the T-shirt (& wings!) & she’s ready to lend a listening ear, & a heart of hope, as you journey together towards a brighter, more accepting future.
‘My Autistic Wings’ : Role Modelling & Consultancy’ is a 1-2 hour long workshop, designed & tailored to your needs by Joely - an Autistic, world & nationally awarded disabled advocate, international speaker & author, that aims to guide to healthier defence mechanisms to inner acceptance; with a dash of sharing storys, reasonable adjustments & fairy dust.
* Joely is no therapist, her expertise is award winning and both lived, and from work experience of being a 121 for Autistic and Neurodivergent children and young people for 2 decades.
* Joely is not clinical - (but she did pass her child phycology NVQ with Cambridge University in only 12 hours, from opening the first of 22 modules, to acing the last exam...)
* Joely is human just like you, with 30 years lived experience & 20 years professional working experience of enabling autistic people to better understand themselves, learning to feel empowered with their hardships, quirks with a healthier mindset. Yes; Joely has always wished to help; so she started young & she is filled with passion & a motivation to help.
Role modelling sessions are offered as 121 consultancy’s for:
* autistic people, their family’s & their educational setting tutors.
* Alternatively 121 consultancy’s can also be designed for educational settings or organisations, offering a unique insight into reasonable adjustments & accessibility improvements in educational settings or home education plans.
Offered with a special discounted price for 2024 bookings, ‘My Autistic Wings’ : 121 role modelling & consultancy’s’ has limited availability, & slots fill up swiftly, so book your opportunity to empower with ‘MyAutisticWings’ help, today.
Role Modelling and
Consultancy Reviews

“I am a teacher and I spent several years trying to understand *the AspergerWorld, yet Joely did something so remarkable, so unexpected, she managed to step into mine and inspire me too....
I have now become the student and Joely has become my teacher; she has opened my eyes and my mind..... giving remarkable insight into her world as someone with ASD..... Joely is an inspiration not only to me, but also to all young people, disabled and abled alike, she is a voice of hope and reason.
Her tireless work inspiring and encouraging pupils from her former school and around the country, her courageous efforts and achievements as a public speaker and presenter, speaking up for disabled young people, educating all involved, changing and enhancing lives for the better.
She has walked that hard journey herself and is selflessly going back to help others to walk through their personal journey; how wonderful is that? In short, while I was attempting to understand the world of disabled people, Joely overcame all obstacles and learned to be in mine, in order to help me and others to achieve our personal goals and by seeing things through our eyes she has enabled us to empathize and to break down those barriers that we ourselves had ignorantly put up. ​Thank you Joely, from the bottom of my heart!"
- Anonymous NDA Award Nomination
“Truly inspiring role modelling. I believe Joely’s speech was “magical” in her fairy ways and she should keep striving for her dreams because she is amazing fantabulous. I feel much more aware and enlightened, thank you for making an impact on our lives.”
"​Joely has not only been the voice for the disabled, but she has helped them to find their voices too; enabling them to be heard and valued for who they are and not what the label would have many of us believe that they are."
- Anonymous NDA Award Nomination

"Joely is 30, autistic, disabled & in a wheelchair. She’s also a multi world & national awarded autism activist, motivational speaker & volunteer, over 2 decades; now an advocate & volunteer, she is passionate to help & always smiling. whether it’s supporting you online, designing a free mindful activity pdf book for kids, volunteering with disabled teens (her 121 role modelling, magazine designs & life skill workshops all change lives @charitys), or traveling UK with free autism training; Joelys passion to empower understanding of autism’s hidden depths & gifts is inspiring & has made real change with green papers, accessibility & changed attitudes.
Joely's consultancy and home school planning really shines and becomes very unique.
Despite her chronic health issues, Joelys online aid never waivers; whether it be free home education school planning for parents or video insights- she’ll never give up on you.
Testament to her impact, is her BSL Autism resource book, raving reviewers like me, or the queues of people at every conference who like me travelled for hundreds of miles just to meet and to Q&A.
She has dedicated her life to making real change-& succeeded more than any of the many advocates I know. Joelys speeches and advocacy sessions for the win!"
- Anonymous NDA Award Nomination
"Through the power of words Joely can mesmerize hundreds of people, and coax them to delve into the depths of a world so different to their own - and learn to understand the 'why'.
As a young women who has Autism, Joely can give a unique insight into the incredible depths of her fascinating disability and mental health issues, bringing reams of acceptance to those who need it.
Joely's lived experiences of life on the autistic spectrum, being a survivor of bullying, abuse, gaslighting and mate crime has seen her undertaken years of volunteering and working with disabled and autistic young people and has made her disability her biggest motivation and her 'specialist topic'.
Joely is very honest, and can articulately bring untold clinical information to life, with stories that inspire hopeful hearts and usher tearful eyes - because in her words "Hardships, don't have to mean there's no hope - only that you need a bit more support to thrive, than other people do. you can still thrive".
She knows how to help and she never hesitates; her initiatives included in some of the most ground breaking works towards Autism Understanding, in the professional world today."
- Anonymous Award Nomination.

"Joely is a fantastic ambassador for young people as well as those with disabilities. Leading by example, and overcoming significant health problems and disability, she demonstrates that all young people have the potential to succeed and inspires all those around her to try and make a difference. Her positive energy and bubbling enthusiasm sees her jump at any opportunity to raise awareness, challenge prejudice and educate others. Despite having delayed speech in childhood and partial deafness, as well as low confidence, she constantly strives to push beyond her comfort zone and takes public speaking in her stride as she knows just how important it is to share her story ain order to help others understand autism and the challenges it presents for those living with the condition.
Joely is a wonderful, humorous, intelligent and thoughtful individual who quickly becomes a role model for everyone she meets. Her hard work, tenacity and determination has taken her to places far beyond what many people her age would dream of and the recognition she has received at every level, including the Prime Minister and 10 Downing Street, is testament to the impact that her work and campaigning is having. I worked closely with Joely in her role as a YMCA ambassador (a programmed which I co-ordinate) and her constant enthusiasm and willingness to say yes gives her audience a gift; the gift of self acceptance and inspiration.”
- Anonymous NDA Award Nomination
“Joely Colmer has not just overcome huge personal challenges in her own life; she is helping others in a similar position to feel safer and more independent in public.
Through her hard work and dedication she is making our communities stronger, and our country a better place.
Joely's courage and determination is inspiring and I am delighted to be recognizing Joely Colmer as a ‘Point of Light’"
- David Cameron, on why he awarded me as one of the UK's 'Points of Light'.