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Autism Understanding Workshops

- My Autistic Wings, Interactive Autism Understanding Workshop

Are you tired of the usual, lengthily, boring autism workshops where you sit, politely listening to an expert (who isn’t autistic!) rattle off stereotype after stereotype, leaving you to wonder what autism is really like for someone who doesn’t fit those misconceptions? Yearning for some empowering, educational insights that can truly inspire you, to feel like YOU'RE in control of your learning journey?

Are you looking for an Autism wo
rkshop with a dash of magic,
leaving a lasting impression? 
Are you striving for something …fun?

Something educational?

Something informative?

Something unique?

something interactive?

Something empowering?

Something memorable?

Something few others have seen or heard, because it’s 100% tailored to YOUR needs?


Look no further...

 ‘My Autistic Wings Interactive Autism Workshop’ (MAWIAW for short) is a 2-4 hour long interactive Autism understanding  workshop, designed & tailored to your needs by Joely - an Autistic (yay!), world and nationally awarded disabled advocate, international speaker & author, who has 20 years professional expertise.


Offered with a special discounted price for 2024 bookings, MAWIAW is a unique insight that specialises in using a range of easily accessible, pressure free activities, team work & speeches, that combines just the right amount of fun, information & insight to leave attendees with MAWIAW on their minds,


MAWIAW can provide invaluable, fascinating, emotive & often humorous insights into a range of topics, including:

*Hidden depths & hardships


*executive dysfunction

*processing information

*making connections
*problem solving

*sensory issues



*reasonable adjustments

*mental health

*Mindfulness and healthy mindsets

*autism acceptance & appreciation

& much more.


Already Highly reviewed MAWIAW is perfect for schools, charities, businesses & families who want to learn about the hidden depths of autism, autism acceptance & thriving as an autistic person. All sessions are designed for SEN/ Professionals, Schools, Charities, Conferences, and can be tailored for those with disabilities on the Spectrum and their families. 

The beauty of this workshop is that all of the learning and content is tailored up to you- you can choose out of an extensive list of learning based Activities of Autism's Hidden depths, to do on the day! ​Each Workshop  can include:

* Problem Solving Obstacle Course or 'Puzzling Connections' (not those puzzles!)
* Overload / Making Connections / Processing Information Interactive 
*  Meltdowns, Overloads and Shutdowns Interactive
*Mate crime / gaslighting interactive
* Disable the Label
*Communication Interactive
* Motivational Speech - with a themed insert
*Stimming, sensory and grounding mindful interactive.
Plus much more, bespoke to your audiences needs, at an accessible price.

‘My Autistic Wings’ Interactive Autism Workshop, has limited availability,
& slots fill up swiftly, so book your opportunity to empower with
‘My Autistic Wings’ help, today.

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What I offer,
at a glance...

* Tailored and
Bespoke speeches and interactive
Workshops for charities, businesses and schools.

* Choose from an extensive list of speech &
workshop topics, activities and themes to
empower understanding of Autism, how YOU need.

* Choose from interactive workshops, workshop presentations, multiple, regular sessions, or a one off

* Travel to anywhere in the UK, or internationally* 

* Free, signed AspergerWorld Book, with
2024 speech or workshop booking

* Accessible fees

Reviews for Autism
Understanding Workshops

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"Honestly, I was quite impressed with her because she is an extremely positive and proactive person, using her energy to inspire the community.

She is really enthusiastic and passionate about disability issues and I personally think that she is making a big difference in our society. In January I went to a meeting with my supervisor and her and I was strongly and favorably affected by how confident and passionate she was about speaking in public of her own experience as a young Autistic woman in order to make the voices of disabled young people heard.

She is a role model for other young people with disabilities because she is getting the message across to people that through determination, motivation and passion everything is possible. Therefore, I strongly believe that she is making a positive contribution to the community by being actively involved and the protagonist of many different initiatives and projects in order to bring about concrete changes in people's
lives. "

- Anonymous National Diversity Award Nomination


“Truly inspirational and absolutely fantastic. Joely you had the entire room in silence and most near tears. Thank you for sharing your story.”

- Anonymous National Diversity Award Nomination


"She shatters the misconception that 'one person can't make a difference.... Even adults and children without disabilities benefit, because the project raises awareness and therefore make people more sensitive to how they can help others in their community.

The presentation was lovely and very interesting! The activities were really eye opening. I learnt how many disabilities are hidden and are just as severe as other physical disabilities. I found Joely’s speech really inspiring. Raising awareness about disabilities is very important and I really think Joely has been able to do it in an effective and interactive way. I thought that Joely’s speech was very inspirational. It was interesting to find out more about the problems disabled people have to fare daily.

Joely has dedicated a huge portion of her life to helping others and making things easier for disabled adults and children- not just adults and children who specifically have ASD but who have other disabilities too.

Everything Joely has achieved- and everything she will doubtless go on to achieve- is a reminder to everyone of what hard work and a positive attitude can do."

- Anonymous National Diversity Award Nomination

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"It is clear that as a society mental disability is not treated in the same way as physical disability and Joely is driving people to think outside the box in a carefree fun way, so as not to embarrass. Joely has turned a negative into a positive and is giving back to her peers using her inspiring speeches and insightful workshops which I have been blessed to participate in more than once. She is taking the lessons she has learnt and moving forwards; challenging others to take a good look at themselves and also have a can do attitude.

So many lessons to be covered off here; bullying, how we communicate with others and looking at the simple joy of family, loving and giving. It is important that we all take on these lessons, focus on what we can do, rather than what we can't; and forge change....Now, I want to make a difference; but how much better is it to make a difference early in someone's life, so that they can help change us and our attitudes? To share true life experience and build on it, is a total gift."

- Anonymous National Diversity Award Nomination

“Joely’s talk and the activitys too made you realize that a disability does not  always hinder you but can empower you. I found her speech and workshop powerful and inspirational. It made me change my perspective on people/life, and really helped me understand hidden disabilities. Love the fact that she refers to it as a gift.”

- Anonymous National Diversity Award Nomination


© Joely Williams 2020


I refer to myself as a professional; however, this is due to my experiences as an Autistic individual
and my experiences as an Autism Activist, advocate and child-carer / youth worker (20 and 10 years respectively);
not due to my qualifications. I hope to educate and inspire others with my inside knowledge.

I cannot guarantee any personal success, inner autism acceptance or results relating to progress as a result of my insights,

opinions, advocacy, books, workshops, speeches or 121 sessions, and I will not be held responsible for any lack of success or progress.

My services, whether they be speaking, workshops, 121 or advocacy, should not be a replacement for professional diagnosis,

medication, or therapy. Safety measures and action plans have been tailored to the event or necessity, however, anyone

participating in my workshops or training sessions are doing so at their own risk, I do not and cannot take any responsibility

for any damage to person or products / equipment. Professionals, such as teachers, doctors and therapist should be consulted before

any life style changes are made. Everything within these training sessions, are designed and written from my experiences

and my own personal opinions, and what works for me, may not work for everyone else, and I cannot take responsibility for this.

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