Motivational Speaking
My Autistic Wings
Autistic Autism Advocacy

A Best Selling, Positive, Empowering and Educational, Partly Autobiographical, Resource Book.
'AspergerWorld : My Fairy Jam Jar'
My Book Explores the Hidden Hardships, Quirks and Depths of the Autistic Spectrum from my World Award Winning Autistic and Professional Insight:
* Sensory Issues * Shutdowns and Meltdowns * Routines * Communication * Theory of Mind
* Mental Health, PTSD, and Gaslighting * Mate Crime * School / Education * Behaviour- advice, hows and whys. ​* Autism Activism and Pursuing Passion * Adult Autism *Childhood Autism AND MORE...
Are you looking for a unique book that can challenge perceptions and infuse understanding of the hidden depths of Autism?
Welcome to “My Fairy Jam Jar”; a book penned from Joelys rare professional and personal perspective. Joely is a multi National and World Award Winning Autism Activist, Motivational Speaker and ANCA World Autism Ambassador.
Joely says:
"In my book, I am a Fairy, gifting you with rare personal insights into the hidden world of Autism, as a young Autistic Female. so fly with me,
and explore the full spectrum of my Autism and be inspired by my passion to challenge negative perceptions; sparking positivity and understanding into the heart of the Autistic Community. with a sprinkle of fairy dust, and a bit of magical good intentions,
let us strive to change lives together..."
AspergerWorld is a fascinating multi national and world award winning insight with an aim to empower Autistic people. their families and Professionals. Cry, laugh and be inspired by Joelys story. Be amazed through the challenges of childhood; communicating with Heiroglyphics, Behavioural Issues and Meltdowns to discovering the roller coaster of Mental Health Issues, Independence Training and Learning Environments at School, right up to learning about Life Skills, Shutdowns and Problem Solving as an adult Autism Activist.
My Fairy Jam Jar contains rare personal, and professional knowledge of the hidden hardships and quirks of Autism;
With invaluable advice for professionals and parents, this book aids positive understanding, with real life and inspiring stories.
With Fairy Dust enlightening your mind, read and be inspired by my book, and tell me, what shall your wish for positive change, be?
Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, FBA
Professor of Developmental Psychopathology
A World Leading Expert in Autism Research
Cambridge University
"Joely beautiful book is a valuable contribution: We learn most about autism from those with autism who can communicate their experience of what helps
and what makes things worse"
"Joely's attractive illustrations and clear writing is an inspiring account of how to feel proud of one's autism and one's difference"
Lorraine Petersen OBE
Educational Consultant
Trustee of Charity "Ambitious about Autism"
"A truly inspirational book that gives a passionate and insightful view of life with Asperger’s Syndrome"
"I wished I had had this book at the start of my career – it would have really influenced the way I might have interacted with some of the children I have had the pleasure to teach"
"Every person who cares for or works with children and young people would benefit from reading this book. Many of the situations that Joely describes and the strategies she suggests to overcome her difficulties could be used to support any child or young person with additional needs not just those with AS"
​Denise-Marie McIntosh
​Producer and Host of Award Winning American TV Series
​ "Fairy Tale Access" at "Access Nashua"
"I highly recommend it, it’s one of the best books on the subject that I’ve read"
"Miss Williams (Colmer), invites you into her world a world that is amazing and frightening. But it puts things in perspective, helping anyone understand what a child and/or adult on the spectrum might be going through"
"her book gives us the tools to understand the sensations of actually living in her world"
Jeffrey Newman
Independent Education Management Professional
Founder of The Earth Charter UK
"AspergerWorld : My Fairy Jam Jar" It’ is of importance to everyone, not only for the people with a disability but also parents, doctors, carers and the Government. The book is more like a person than a manual; human and loveable"
"Joely has written a book to help us understand. She knows all about it - not, like an expert from the outside, but with the knowledge that only an 'insider' can provide. And, Joely writes, not only for those of us who want to know more, but also for those who have the disability and needing practical guidance. Central to her writing - and her attractive drawings - is Joely's humour and humanity"
Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah
Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue
"Asperger World: My Fairy Jam Jar by Joely Williams (Colmer) sparkles with passion and insight and generosity of spirit. Joely Williams' (Colmer) journey to accept herself and appreciate her 'disability' as a gift, is translated in her wonderful book"
"Every page of this inspiring book shines with Joely's willingness to communicate and raise awareness. By sharing her perspective and experience, Joely has made a very important contribution to the understanding of Asperger’s and Autism. Everyone should read ‘AspergerWorld.’"
Martin Scholes
“It is an extremely thought-provoking and very honest and moving book.”
“It's also a highly useful resources for people who are living on the Autistic Spectrum, offering them useful tips“
"There is also useful information for their family members and for professional health personnel on how they can best offer support and appropriate assistance to the person on the Autistic Spectrum"
"There should be copies in every hospital resource library, every school, every doctor's surgery, every university and every FE college throughout the UK"
Why I wrote my book, "AspergerWorld : My Fairy Jam Jar"
Joely says:
"I have always dreamt of changing lives, and writing is a passion, an aspiration to empower others; I wish to build an understanding within our communities, of the wondrous disability in which I possess, the hidden depths, the hardships and the quirky gifts, too. Understanding the complexities of my disability Autism through reading, enabled me to slowly love my disability, and establish the unwritten rules of my disability, and how to help myself, and others..."
"I wrote this book because when I found out I was Autistic at 13, there were no resources or books at the time, that could help me that were inspiring, hopeful, educational, insightful and aimed at females. So I set out to be the change. I wrote the book, I desperately needed as a 13 year old, vulnerable child, and published my pride and joy, in the hope it can help others, in the way sharing my story changed my life."
"I also wrote my book, to shed light on these unwritten rules, to aid understanding of how my disability impacts me in normal, every day life, to truly empower positive change. I believe that education is the only way to eradicate discrimination, and challenge misconceptions. I hope my book sparks the fire of positive change by reaching young people on the Autistic spectrum, their parents, carers and professionals.
I believe that we are all on a learning journey, and that we all have the power within us, to change some-ones life with kindness and understanding - whether we are autistic, disabled or not, and the more we learn, the more we can empower ourselves and people around us to be the best they can be".
Side note about the language used - 'Aspergers' and 'person first language':
I would like to say for potential future readers, who - like me - prefer 'Identity first language' and avoiding the term 'Asperger's', that the language used in my 'AspergerWorld : My Fairy Jam Jar' book, (for example I do use a lot of 'person first language' ), felt suitable and felt appropriate at the time I wrote and edited my book - it also took over a decade for me to write and edit, as I started when I was 13 years old."
"For me personally, I have always identified as Autistic, however I used the term Aspergers throughout the book, as that was my Enterprise name at the time (AspergerWorld) and because Aspergers Syndrome was my second diagnosis. Additionally, I was taught that person first language and using Aspergers was the best way to speak, and best way how to identify to help, while I grew as an advocate."
​"However since then, I have learnt that I feel like 'identity first' language (Autistic person / disabled person) feels more empowering for me personally. I believe this language can empower all parts of us, but me especially. I also learnt that just because I identify as Autistic does not mean I should be ashamed of that, and avoid saying it now, in favour of Aspergers, just because that was part of my diagnosis at the time."
"In this way, I don't personally use the term 'Aspergers Syndrome' or 'person first language' anymore, however I don't feel like there is anything wrong with those who do. I personally don't believe anyone can tell another person what language they should be using or how they should identify, as it is so individual and most people do have empowering intentions regardless of what their preferences are.
Fighting against each other over language debates, when we should be a team striving for better, feels rather unhelpful and illogical to me"
"Lastly, just because it is this way for me, (to identify or prefer language a certain way) never means its should be this way for other people and it never means that other people must agree with me and my choices or preferences. Yours, your child or students experience or beliefs are valid and acceptable, just as long as you also have good intentions, which I am sure you all do."
"I do understand why you may be put off from reading my book, because like me, you are trying to grow the best way you know how, and there's no shame in that - you should protect your inner peace and strive for better, at all costs. As an advocate I have had a long learning journey discovering what best empowers me and what I believe can help Autistic people, so I too, can strive for better.
If you are someone who uses Identity first language and avoids the term Aspergers, I hope you can give my book a chance to potentially help you. Like you, I have been learning to empower too, and our learning journeys, challenging our misconceptions from diverse perspectives, are not over yet... I do believe we can change lives together, and while the language used may not be most effective for you, the story, insights, advice and positive perspectives may still empower you. I hope so. I wrote my book, ultimately, to make Autistic people feel more enabled to be their best selves, not in spite of their struggles or disabilities. Maybe my book can help enable you, not in spite, of the language used?
I certainly hope so... Take care, dear potential future reader :-) "

Prof Simon Baren Cohen
FBA World Autism Researcher..
“An inspiring account of how to feel proud of ones autism or ones difference. Joely explains how to minimize the disability, and reminds us to change our perceptions of Autism to reveal each persons talents.”

* Problem Solving
* Social Imagination
* Theory Of Mind
* Executive Dysfunction
* Interoception
* Routines

* Burnout
* Shutdown
*Sensory Issues
* Chronic Pain

* Stimming
* Self injurious
* Communication Behaviour
* 'Obsessive behaviours'
* Defence Mode

* Burnout
* Shutdown
*Sensory Issues
* Chronic Pain

* Hyper /
* Motivation & Passion
* Hard Working
* Empathetic, Justice
Seeking, Honesty &

* Selfless
& Trustworthy
* Rule abiding, Perceptive, Aware, Analytical & Logical (Process Facts / Learn Well).​